2 years of blogging, what should i be writing?

The 50th post in the blog turned out to be a retrospect post :) It has been a year that i have written average 1 post per month since the 1st year post. The first year average was 3 posts per month. Maybe i became lazier :D But those times i was unemployed and had plenty of time to write blog posts. I have read the first year post before writing this. I wondered i still have the same mentality or on the same direction. I wondered if i changed since then. The answer is mostly no, i am still mostly on the same direction and mindset. But these days, i don't have that much time to write like the first days. Therefore the biggest question that i have nowadays is this: Should i write the stuff that i want or the stuff that needs to be written? You most probably misunderstood the question now :) I will explain this situation in this post.

I was kind of triggered and fired up when i have started out this blog. Of course i am happy about it. I had gathered as much content as dozens of blog posts back then. I had multiple purposes when i started this: Learn twice while writing, open new horizons to others, write as a hobby and leave a permanent heritage. All these were built on my own knowledge and experience. I also have the 5 categories on the left menu to remind me to advance in these fields too. Months have passed with these thoughts and the essence hasn't changed. But 2 new concepts emerged.

1st thought is about myself. I am now 33 years old and if i include college years, i have spent almost have of my life working on computer engineering and software development. This carried me up to a level of a software architect and i also now that i have a lot of territory ahead to cover. I am now a software trainer who transfers his knowledge to new graduates, with my highest effort. I am one of the few people who are happy with his profession and his job. But at some point this question arises: Do i want to spend all my life on IT and software field? You might call this a mid-life crisis but i don't think so. I am working happily right now but if i die tomorrow, all i can leave behind me is a software developer or a trainer profile. Also, more importantly, i will be missed a lot of colors that exists in this world and deserves to be pondered on. In other words, working on something other than computer engineering is not running away from it. Rather it is the urge to have a bigger spectrum and variety.

The more important thought is the 2nd one and it is actually based on the 1st one. As of May 2022, the world is literally spiraling into self destruction. Maybe this has started before i was even born, but thanks to today's digital revolution, everything is much more visible and faster. Also, there are inexplicable events happening in the country that i am living in. The degradations in this age is faster everyday and sneakier. Believe me, it is hard to even see the clues of this process since we are living in the age of deception. Thus i am having this question: Which one is more important? Widening my own horizon and develop my own skills, or writing down my own thoughts and knowledge about the subjects that today's reality creates and dumps on us, IF i have objective perspectives and knowledge about them? I already have 4-5 posts about today's reality, waiting to be finished. These posts are normally mostly in history, psychology and sociology fields. And naturally, these areas are out of my expertise :)

Should i be writing the suff that needs to be written means this: There are stuff that humankind needs to hear, remember, know of read. Of course that includes me too. The world turned into this state because of the things that we forget, fail to notice, miss ...etc. And it won't end up in a better situation proceeding on this direction. Humankind is living a transition at this scale and seriousness for the first time of the known history. I can call this the collapse of the humanity and there should be a more or less effective medicine for this too. And i am talking about trying to find that medicine. We have quite important problems these days like climate change, hunger, poverty, wealth gaps, politicians and politics, ignorance ...etc. They are all issues that should be urgently addressed if you ask me. We must be thinking about these issues aside from our daily lives and jobs and occupation. Therefore the question that i ask to myself is like the title: What to write, what to think about?

Of course there is a big research part behind this writing stage. Otherwise, if i were a figure that can save the world an humanity, i wouldn't be writing this blog post in front of my computer screen with back pains in the middle of the night :D I am mounting a responsibility just like all the conscious and intellectual being should. The territory of this responsibility is quite large. If you are able realize what's going on around the world more or less, you would understand what i mean.

You're gonna save the world pal? Probably no :D But one thing for sure, the humanity and the world will be saved by those who want to and act on. I want to be a part of this act. I know there are and were people who written and said more than i can write and say. The difference that i want to make is to be able to bring a new systematic framework, which can look at today's world from multiple perspectives. And today's world is one of the strangest times in human history. In order to explain what i mean, i should probably write 15 - 20 more blog posts :) Long story short, if i can gather and organize all my thoughts and add some research behind it, i think i can make some deductions on human, nature and spirituality triangle. I have no idea what will i be written 1 year from now. But it seems like there will be a %50 - %50 split between reality vs hobbies. Let this be a challenge for me. See you at the next post :)

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